CSharp and MsScriptControl

Author: Dave
Date: 08.23.10 - 6:15pm

Even this took some fussing and searching to get the tricks figured out...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MSScriptControl;

//class test has to support IDispatch to AddObject()
[assembly: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)]

namespace ConsoleApplication1 {
    public class test{
            public int b(int y) {  return y + 1;  }
            public object c()   {  return this;   }

    class Program {

        public static MSScriptControl.ScriptControl 
                sc = new ScriptControl(); 

        static void Main(string[] args) {

            test t = new test();
            object ret;

            sc.Language = "jScript";
            sc.AddObject("test", t,true);
            sc.AddCode("function a(y){ return y+100;}");

            //works in IE not here why? ex: d().e(4) = 14
            //sc.AddCode("function d(){this.e = f; return this;};" +
            //           "function f(x){return x+10};"); 

            Console.WriteLine("test.b(1) = " + sc.Eval("test.b(1)") );

            ret = sc.Eval("test.c()");
            Console.WriteLine("test.c() = " + ret + " Hash:" +
                      ret.GetHashCode() +" =? t.hash: " 
                      + t.GetHashCode() );
            Console.WriteLine("a(10) = " + sc.Eval("a(10)"));

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