Query Last 12 Mos

Author: Dave
Date: 12.02.14 - 4:39am

for my web humidor project I wanted to generate a bar graph with the last 12 months of data. I wanted the data to display in a rolling format where the current month was at the rightmost position then going back in time for the 12 previous months.

I do not use date-time functions very often and wasn't sure how to do this. Below is a snippet of code I cooked up for the task. It took a little bit of fidgeting to get right so thought I would share it.

in this example 3 empty by reference arrays are passed in, these are the out values and would end up being, separated value list of the data I wanted for the bargraph.

//show rolling stats for last 12 mos, out args by ref 
// month names csv, smoked events csv, water events csv 
function eventsfor_last12Months(&$d,&$s,&$w){

        $mname = array(0, 'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','June','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec', 14);
	$month = date("m"); //start month number
        for($i=12; $i>0; $i--){
		$mi = $month - $y; //month index
		if($mi <= 0){
			 $mi += 12; 
			 $year_index = 1; //we have crossed into previous year now...
		//echo $mi. ",";
		$d[$i-1] = $mname[$mi];
		$r = mysql_query("SELECT count(autoid) as c FROM humidor WHERE MONTH(tstamp) = $mi AND 
                                 YEAR(tstamp) = (YEAR(NOW()) - $year_index) and smoked=1");

		$rr = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
		$s[$i-1] = $rr['c'];
		$r = mysql_query("SELECT count(autoid) as c FROM humidor WHERE MONTH(tstamp) = $mi AND 
                                 YEAR(tstamp) = (YEAR(NOW()) - $year_index) and watered=1");

		$rr = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
		$w[$i-1] = $rr['c'];
	//echo var_dump($d);
	$d = arytocsv( $d, 1 );
	$s = arytocsv( $s );
	$w = arytocsv( $w );

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