Console tricks

Author: Dave
Date: 09.26.19 - 9:27am

I never had the occasion to write a console progress bar until today. Was actually really easy..
Global blocks As Long 
Global block As Long
Global curPBVal As Long

Con.Write "["
for block = 0 to blocks
  'do stuff
Con.Write "]"

Sub progressCallBack()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim curOf20 As Long
    'we display progress scale 1-20
     curOf20 = (20 * block) / blocks
     If curOf20 > curPBVal Then
        Con.WriteLine String(curOf20 - curPBVal, "-"), False
        curPBVal = curOf20
     End If
End Sub

From some old C code, I did have a % complete that would constantly update:

printf("Percent Complete:    ");

for(i=opts.offset; i < opts.size ; i++){
      int pcent = (100*i)/opts.size;
      printf("\b\b\b%02d%%", pcent);

Somewhere I even have of those -\|/- console star spinners in C but I cant remember where I used it. here is one i ripped from the web for storage (untested)

spinner(int spin_seconds) {
    static char const spin_chars[] = "/-\|";
    unsigned long i, num_iterations = (spin_seconds * 10);
    for (i=0; i<num_iterations; ++i) {
        putchar(spin_chars[i % sizeof(spin_chars)]);

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