OCX LicenseAuthor: Dave Date: 09.12.19 - 2:48pm Today I installed Access 97 on a win10 machine, went perfect fired right up, I could not handle the stupid ribbons on Access 2003 anymore and not being able to find anything but thats another story.. Side effect..my VB6 install got wacked! I started getting the ocx license error for richtx32.ocx: "License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment". regsvr32 did not help Sooo..a googling we shall go. Nothing really useful turned up. After some trial and error it turns out I was able to export my OCX license from an XP virtual machine and then merge it with my win10 desktop. Works fine again. Here is the license key you want. You will have to find the static value to use yourself from a legit install. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\DC4D7920-6AC8-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905] Comments: (0) |
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