Code Additions

Author: Dave
Date: 08.27.12 - 11:34am

Been updating some of my old code so that it is happy in the new Windows7 and 64 bit aware world. Finding Vb6 examples for this stuff is sparse. I was able to make do with some conversions of web stuff so here are some useful functions if anyone ever needs them..
  • WTSEnumerateProcesses, to list running processes, including getting string user name from sid
  • GetExtendedTcpTable in VB6 to list open TCP and UDP ports and processes
  • GetProcessImageFileNameA in VB6
  • Get an external process command line in VB6
  • Determine if windows is 64 bit
  • determine if a running process is 64 bit from its pid
  • determine if an executable file is 64 bit
All of these functions are available in the SysAnalyzer source

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