A2W no ATL

Author: Dave
Date: 01.26.23 - 10:02pm

I like the Express edition of VS2008. Its super fast and lite but does not have the ATL headers. Below is A2W macro for use without the ATLCONV.H header. You can extract W2A too if you want from here
#define USES_CONVERSION int _convert = 0; (_convert); UINT _acp = CP_THREAD_ACP; (_acp); LPCWSTR _lpw = NULL; (_lpw); LPCSTR _lpa = NULL; (_lpa)

inline __out_ecount_z_opt(nChars) LPWSTR WINAPI AtlA2WHelper(__out_ecount_z(nChars) LPWSTR lpw, __in_z LPCSTR lpa, __in int nChars, __in UINT acp) throw()
	assert(lpa != NULL);
	assert(lpw != NULL);
	if (lpw == NULL || lpa == NULL)
		return NULL;
	// verify that no illegal character present
	// since lpw was allocated based on the size of lpa
	// don't worry about the number of chars
	lpw[0] = '';
	int ret = MultiByteToWideChar(acp, 0, lpa, -1, lpw, nChars);
	if(ret == 0)
		return NULL;
	return lpw;

#define A2W(lpa) (
	((_lpa = lpa) == NULL) ? NULL : (
		_convert = (lstrlenA(_lpa)+1),
		(INT_MAX/2<_convert)? NULL :  
		AtlA2WHelper((LPWSTR) alloca(_convert*sizeof(WCHAR)), _lpa, _convert, _acp)))

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