Enum Named Pipes

Author: Dave
Date: 03.23.16 - 4:49am

So I dont loose this little clip. I think there is a way to enum anonymous pipes too but I forget.
Private Sub Form_Load()

    Dim tmp() As String
    tmp() = GetFolderFiles("\\.\pipe\")
    Debug.Print Join(tmp, vbCrLf)

End Sub

Function GetFolderFiles(folder As String, Optional filter = ".*", Optional retFullPath As Boolean = True) As String()
   Dim fnames() As String
   If Not FolderExists(folder) Then
        'returns empty array if fails
        GetFolderFiles = fnames()
        Exit Function
   End If
   folder = IIf(Right(folder, 1) = "\", folder, folder & "\")
   If Left(filter, 1) = "*" Then extension = Mid(filter, 2, Len(filter))
   If Left(filter, 1) <> "." Then filter = "." & filter
   fs = Dir(folder & "*" & filter, vbHidden Or vbNormal Or vbReadOnly Or vbSystem)
   While fs <> ""
     If fs <> "" Then push fnames(), IIf(retFullPath = True, folder & fs, fs)
     fs = Dir()
   GetFolderFiles = fnames()
End Function

Sub push(ary, value) 'this modifies parent ary object
    On Error GoTo init
    X = UBound(ary) '<-throws Error If Not initalized
    ReDim Preserve ary(UBound(ary) + 1)
    ary(UBound(ary)) = value
    Exit Sub
init:     ReDim ary(0): ary(0) = value
End Sub

Function FolderExists(path As String) As Boolean
  On Error GoTo hell
  Dim tmp As String
  tmp = path & "\"
  If Len(tmp) = 1 Then Exit Function
  If Dir(tmp, vbDirectory) <> "" Then FolderExists = True
  Exit Function
    FolderExists = False
End Function

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