FastBuild Addin

Author: Dave
Date: 04.08.14 - 6:45am

This is an Addin for the VB6 IDE that adds a couple productivity tools.

When you goto build an exe or dll in VB6, it will prompt you for the file name every single time. Also, if the file already exists, it will make sure you really want to overwrite it..every single time. Another downfall to this process, is that sometimes the default build directory will change and you wont notice it, so the updated exe gets compiled somewhere unexpected.

This plugin will allow you to manually set the path the first time, and from then on out, it will skip the dialogs and just automatically compile to the default path you set.

It also allows you to set a post build command to run, and includes an execute button in the IDE to launch the compiled exe directly.

Another feature, is a new menu item under Project -> Quick Addref that gives you a streamlined form to add ActiveX control references. I actually coded this while submitting a patch for the Lazarus LazActiveX plugin, and figured I should add it in here as well since I had it.

The addin is open source and available in my addins repository on github.

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