Shellcode2Exe trainer

Author: David Zimmer
Date: 08.05.13 - 6:29pm

Posted a new video trainer today. Covers most of the features, but there are a couple extras that have been added since I made this video. New additions include:
  • two x64 husks (standard and advanced)
  • DetectType which recgonizes: swf,exe,perl,js,bash,html,low entropy
  • hexdump mode has added:
    • xor key scanner
    • entry point scanner
    • web disassembler
    • byte/endian swap
    • text dumper
  • beta support for action script (if you really havent seen it in a while)
Also i dont think I showed it in the video, but shellcode_2_exe can handle shellcode blocks which have new lines, or have been divided up into quoted chunks such as "%u9090"+"%ueb15". It can not handle multiline variants where something like sc+="..."; occurs on every line. For these you will have to manually strip the variable name before input. When in doubt, first use the hex dump feature to make sure it translated correctly, and then download from there.

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