Byte Array C to VB6

Author: Dave
Date: 01.07.22 - 9:06am

Quick example on how to return a byte array from C to VB6. This is done using a safe array.
LPSAFEARRAY __stdcall Decode(char* data){
#pragma EXPORT

    std::vector<unsigned char> vch;

	if(data!=NULL && strlen(data) > 0 ){
		if(DecodeBase58(data, vch)){ 
			HRESULT h = PackBytes(vch.size(),(const BYTE*)&vch[0], &ret);
			if(h == S_OK) return ret;

	return NULL;

Private Declare Function Decode Lib "b58.dll" (ByVal encStr As String) As Byte()

dim b() as byte

b() = Decode(buf)
If AryIsEmpty(b) Then
    MsgBox "Decode failed"
    MsgBox "Decoded data: " & vbCrLf & _
           "Str Data = " & StrConv(b, vbUnicode, &H409) & vbCrLf & _
           "Hex Data= " & b2h(b)
End If

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