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Over the years I have invested heavily in product R&D building a wide assortment of new skills, and fostering a diverse background and understanding.

These are some of the papers I have developed along my journey that I make freely available to help others along.

Sandsprite Papers
VB6 P-Code / Reversing
Reverse Engineering / Binary Analysis
Visual Basic 6
  • Libemu Shim for Unicorn Engine - FireEye 2017

    This project combines the best of libemu and Unicorn emulators into one package.

    From the libemu project I ported the Win32 Env over to run within unicorn. Using Unicorn we gain a full fledged emulator with complete opcode mappings.The project also includes a shim layer for the most used parts of the libemu API so that existing projects do not need much rework to be ported over to run under this framework. (local copy, code samples)
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