IDA decompiler commentsAuthor: David Zimmer Date: 07.12.23 - 11:25pm This is worth mirroring. worked perfect for me in IDA 7.5 py3 Thanks Robert! # Author Robert Michel - Posted on March 22, 2019 # source: # article: def setCommentToDecompilation(address, comment): #Works in IDA 6.9 (worked fine in IDA 7.5 - dz) #see used structures, const and functions cfunc = idaapi.decompile(address) #get the line of the decompilation for this address eamap = cfunc.get_eamap() decompObjAddr = eamap[address][0].ea #get a ctree location object to place a comment there tl = idaapi.treeloc_t() tl.ea = decompObjAddr commentSet = False #since the public documentation on IDAs APIs is crap and I don't know any other way, we have to brute force the item preciser #we do this by setting the comments with different idaapi.ITP_* types until our comment does not create an orphaned comment for itp in range(idaapi.ITP_SEMI, idaapi.ITP_COLON): tl.itp = itp cfunc.set_user_cmt(tl, comment) cfunc.save_user_cmts() #apparently you have to cast cfunc to a string, to make it update itself unused = cfunc.__str__() if not cfunc.has_orphan_cmts(): commentSet = True cfunc.save_user_cmts() break cfunc.del_orphan_cmts() if not commentSet: print("[ERROR] Please set "%s" to line %s manually" % (comment, hex(int(address)))) Comments: (0) |
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