Sandsprite Papers

VB6 P-Code / Reversing

Reverse Engineering / Binary Analysis

Visual Basic 6
- Writing a C DLL for use with VB - 2003
Eventually every advanced VB programmer will begin to incorporate C into thier VB coding. When you do,
you will surly find yourself searching for answers to questions like how do I pass VB strings to C DLLs?, How do I
use VARIANTs, SAFEARRAYs, and call function pointers in C?
This paper will give you a quick run down on all of the stuff I really wish someone had told me when i first started
experimenting with extending my VB through the use of standard C DLLs. Note this paper does not get into COM
or ATL, just standard C DLLs for simplicity. Included in the paper is a sample project to give you working examples of
all of these things to play with, as well as a listing of recommended books for research further.
Paper assumes some basic familiarity with C/C++, VB Declares syntax, and basic concept of how VB works with Windows API.