CStr for PascalAuthor: Dave Date: 03.20.14 - 1:02am One thing I love about vb6 is that it does a lot of repetitive things for you, such as auto converting variables where it makes sense. This frees you from having to deal with minutia. In VB6 the following is perfectly valid: str = "Found: " & intCount & " instances" In Pascal this requires: str := 'Found: ' + IntToStr(intCount) + ' instances'; VB6 has the universal CStr() to convert any var type to string, In Pascal each type has their own conversion method. Below is a universal CStr() function for pascal that also includes support for arrays (unlike the VB6 counterpart). function CStr(v:Variant):string; var vs: variant; ret: string; a: integer; b: integer; begin try if VarIsArray(v) then begin a := VarArrayLowBound(v,1); b := VarArrayHighBound(v, 1); while a <= b do begin VarCast(vs,v[a],varString); ret += VarToStr(vs); if a <> b then ret += ', '; inc(a); end; Result := '[' + ret + ']'; exit; end; VarCast(vs,v,varString); Result := VarToStr(vs); except on E: Exception do Result := E.Message; end; end; Example Use: uses Variants ... var v: variant; begin WriteLn('boolean test: ' + cstr(true)); WriteLn('int test: ' + cstr(32)); WriteLn('str test: ' + cstr('this is my string')); v := VarArrayCreate([0, 9], varInteger); for i := 0 to 9 do v[i]:= i; WriteLn('test: ' + cstr(v)); VarClear(v); v := VarArrayCreate([0, 3], varOleStr ); for i := 0 to 3 do v[i]:= StringOfChar( chr(i+$41), 5) ; WriteLn('test 2: ' + cstr(v)); VarClear(v); Comments: (0) |
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