Bindiff NiceityAuthor: David Zimmer Date: 01.27.25 - 7:46pm So heres a little gem that was pointed out to me today. Bindiff results are actually saved in an sq2llite database (with the .bindiff extension.) I was asking for an Sql Export feature and one of the devs brought this up. Awesome. The color coding of matches fries my eyes and I hate trying to manually select the functions i want to import names for. I really wanted an automated way to select them and sql works pretty well. I will probably make my own viewer for the results with more options. In the meantime just use sqllite db browser. Something like the following is nice: Create table goodies as select Similarity,Confidence,Name1,Name2 from function where Name2 like "%sub%" and Name1 not like "%sub%" and Similarity >= 0.86 and Confidence > .8 Downside you then have to post process the results but..this is where a new ui would come in, still futzing with it, either query db to generate an idc: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim cn As New Connection, rs As Recordset Dim db As String, x() db = "diff.db" cn.ConnectionString = ado_BuildConnectionString(db_sqllite, db) cn.Open Set rs = cn.Execute("Select * from goodies") While Not rs.EOF p = rs!name_primary s = rs!name_secondary push x, "MakeName(0x" & Replace(p, "sub_", "") & ",""" & s & "_bd"");" rs.MoveNext Wend rtf.Text = Join(x, vbCrLf) End Sub or use some ida js bullshit to merge. I do want an import mapping, a custom UI will ultimately be required.. (input file format name1 tab name2) app.timeout = false; tt = fso.readFile("goodies.txt").split(' ') rn = 0; def=0; nada=0; pb.clear() pb.max = tt.length; for(i=0;i<tt.length;i++){ if(tt[i].trim().length > 0){ ttt = tt[i].split(' ') va = '0x'+ttt[1].replace('sub_','') n = ida.getName(va) nn = ttt[0]+'_bd' if(n.indexOf('sub_') == 0){ ida.setname(va,nn) def++; }else{ if(n.replace('.','_') != nn.replace('_bd','')){ rn++; t(n + " -> " + nn) ida.setname(va,nn) }else{nada++;} } } } pb.clear() t(['def:', def, "rn:", rn, "nada:", nada].join(' ')) Comments: (0) |
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