go get lost

Author: Dave
Date: 01.25.25 - 6:06am

So I am not a go developer, but I have to dabble in language X on demand for the task.

Today I had to compile a GO source tree from 2018. Repo didnt specify which version of GO this was built for. Language evolution means new features and deprecation's , there is a specific range that will work. Ok, so we find that through some trial and error. This took about 6 stabs to get right. Not my favorite.

I am spoiled by VB6 which is a "dead language" where project files from 1998 can still be opened and are stable language wise.

Now on to dependencies, and dependencies of dependencies. His sparse read me lists 3 "go get github.comxxx" dependencies.

I am really not a fan of dynamic dependencies. You have no control over the remote repos. Its not free updates, its free breaking changes out of your control. The only sane path is to bundle the exact versions you depend on with your code.

So well its not 2018 anymore. Two of the repos had continual updates for the last 7 years, and the third didnt even exist anymore.

One was kind enough to have a releases page with a snapshot for the Go.x i had to use. The second I had to go through years of commits and pull out a snapshot that would have been current for 2018. Lastly for the 3rd I had to rely on some random copy I found on the internet. Actually there was one more too. a dependency of a dependency that was depreciated and had to be found.

This was a small project! The concept of go get seems flashy and nice, but I think it will be creating a nightmare into the future. Not to mention, as not a GO developer then I have to figure out how to manually install them and set GOPATH. Also had to do it in a VM as I am not comfortable pulling random libraries from the web without any vetting. Hate this about python too.

Dont even get me started on trying to reverse GO binaries. I dont like the future we are building. Get off my lawn !

Comments: (1)

On 01.25.25 - 6:33am Dave wrote:
It still kinda kills me that a general purpose language from 1998 still meets the demands for 95% of what I need to do in 2025 without the headaches of modern cruft. Also it integrates easily with C for the remaining 5%.

Chasing the shiny is bullshit.

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