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VbDec is a free VB6 File format viewer, P-Code Disassembler and debugger.

  • List structs, api, function names and offsets for all Vb6 binaries
  • Generate IDA scripts for functions and structures
  • Determine prototypes for public members
  • Properly disassemble and resolve most common VB6 P-code
  • Basic native disassembly engine for quick viewing
  • Powerful search UI for code, funcs, strings, opcodes, and structures.
  • Live debugging of P-Code exes w/ single stepping, breakpoints etc.
  • Live stack display with diffing to highlight changes
  • Data viewer for Variant, Date, Array, etc
  • Memory window displays data for multiple types with click navigation
  • Ability to persistently patch memory, nop instructions
  • Modify stack values and reset EIP in the debugger.
  • Disassembly viewer supports renaming functions, adding comments
  • Click to navigate functions in disasm and esc go back in history
  • Ability to resolve class names from live object pointers in debugger
  • COM aware: dynamically lookup libraries and resolve function names
  • Export disassembly to database
  • Explore VB6 internal structures, calculate offsets
  • Constant pool viewer to manually explore data
  • Explore hidden native stubs included in all VB6 executables
  • Can be automated through a plugin framework or Javascript
  • Script editor supports syntax highlighting and basic intellisense.
  • Supports command line execution

Screen shots (Click to enlarge)

COM Support

Const Pool Viewer

Data Viewer w/Array

Data Viewer w/Date

Patch/Nop Interface

String references

If you are new to VB reversing I have setup a dedicated section of the site to get you started. Special thanks goes out to VBGamer45 for his work on the open source Semi VB Decompiler ,Mr Silver & Mr Snow for their articles on WKTVB Debugger, all the reversers from the message board. There are also several articles in my Papers section of interest. Thanks again to all the reversers who contributed a ton of hard work to get us where we are today.


If you want some pcode files to test against here are a bunch with source.

There are also a couple large open source projects in there such as pdfstreamdumper, scivb2.

Note: Disassembly will be improved with the dependancies installed.