Libraries .Net has a boat load of functionality built into the runtime. Its nice to have access, but I also want clean access. I dont want incestuously nested classes and sub classes in order to do a simple operation. When you create your own classes, or at least have the choice to which implementation you wish to use, you have more control over the code you write. There are libraries around for everything. Many libraries take the form of ActiveX libraries and controls which are very easy for vb6 to use. Once you learn C and the VB api declare mechanism, the world literally opens up to. While there is a huge amount of samples and code available for vb6, there is even more libraries available in C. I have assembled a collection of libraries that are useful for vb6 developers. It include libraries for file and data compression, access to unsigned math and 64 bit number types, x86 hooking and disassembler libraries, PE parsing libraries, graphing, process enumeration, memory dumping etc. Some other powerful OCX libraries I have contributed to include: |